Monday, July 15, 2013

Opus C...What is Opus C?

I had to keep this one a secret, but I made another model at the same time as Opus 2. I've called it "Opus C." Why not "A" or "B"? I chose to label this one Opus C for two reasons. One, it's just a Console. Two, it is a birthday gift to a very close friend of mine whose name starts with the letter "C." Now, for the design.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Here We Go Again!

Made some good progress for Opus 3. I think the smartest way to construct this model is from the ground up. Sounds logical, right? I was tempted to start with the pedal towers. However, I think it would make more sense starting from the foundation, and that's exactly what I started doing.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Roll Out the Red Carpet for Opus 3!

Sound the trumpets! Roll out the red carpet for the official revealing of my next model. I'm about 99.9% confident that this will be the final layout of the model. Here are some prospective 3D models and information about what Opus 3 is all about!