Sunday, November 30, 2014

And Now for Something Completely Different...

No, it's not Monty Python's Flying Circus. However, it is a new and completely different project than what was previously described as Opus 4. Let me explain...

Lots has happened since my last post. Most notably is that I have moved into my own apartment. After moving into a new space, and settling in, thoughts of decoration come to mind. Above my couch there is an empty canvas.

A friend of mine mentioned that he had 25 fake solid wood organ pipes that belong to a reed organ that he owns. They were meant to be a false facade for the reed organ, but he is not using them. So, my first thought...what if I used them in some arrangement above my couch?

Fake Organ Pipes from Reed Organ
I soon realized that the pipes are rather large, though still manageable, for the space. The center pipe just fits the length between the couch and the ceiling. So, after some more input and bouncing some more ideas around, Maybe there is another way to utilizing these pipes. Something more artistic maybe...

My previous opus' have been scaled models...obviously. However, now I'm working with 1:1 scale. The benefit is that these pipes are fake...solid wood. This means I can cut them down to size if I so choose. The problem with this is I cannot change the diameter. Since I cannot change the diameter, I can only decrease the length of each pipe so much that it doesn't look realistic anymore.

So, I have decided to use five pipes from the left hand group of the above photo and design a corner display. It will mimic one of those center displays in my previous models. However, the difference is that this is on a much larger proportion. It will be a corner display.

Corner Pipe Display
So, this may not solve the blank canvas above my couch...but there are 21 more pipes to have fun with. Be that as it may, this display stands three (3) feet tall. The pipes are decreased to an overall length (OAL) of 34 inches. The model, itself, is rough. The grill work will look a little more "ornate." I will need to sit down and make a more elegant, yet practical, template. Not exactly sure on the type of wood used, but the thickness will be 1/4 inch. Two (2) inch tall crown molding will be on the top and one (1) inch tall molding will be at the bottom. There will also be some sort of illumination inside.

Remaining Pipes from Original Set After Corner Model Completion
As far as the pipes are concerned, they are old. I will sand them down, prime and paint them a silver color unlike the wooden brown that they are now. I'm contemplating gold leaf or something for the mouth of the pipe. However, this is still up in the air.

Well, I think that's a good update...certainly well overdue. It might not be as adventurous as Opus 4, which I would still love come to fruition one day. However, this project is more feasible, both financial and practically, for me at the present moment. As with all my creations, my Opus', it will be a unique piece of art.

I now end with a performance on a reed organ. This is now the same model reed organ that these pipes have come from. Rather, it's a larger three manual organ. For those of you who do not know, or have not guessed, reed organs are not pipe organs. They utilize brass reeds to produce the note whereas a pipe organ uses air through a pipe to produce the note. That is why these pipes are fake. They are only there as a false facade. It's the same inspiration that prompted me for Opus 1...when someone sees an organ console, a PIPE organ, they expect to see pipes! Ergo, a false facade to appease the audience even thought the music is coming from the reeds inside the console! Enjoy!