Sunday, February 22, 2015

Opus IV

Yes, the corner facade project will now be referred to as Opus IV. As a young fan of my blog reminded me, it is another project, so it should have an Opus number. So, how is Opus IV moving along? Glad you asked!

Since my last post, All ten (10) pipes for both facades have been restored. I'm very happy with how they came out. Now it's time to really put the pedal to the metal and finish the cabinet.

All the wood has been cut for the cabinet. This includes any holes that need to be drilled and the countersunk holes at the base plate for the pipes. As far as the the colours are concerned, I choose walnut for the case, oak for the grills and the interior will  be black.

I started with what I'm seeing now as a mistake. I started staining the main back panels the walnut colour. However, I soon realized I didn't quite know who to apply these oil based stains. First mistake was trying to wash the brushes with water. Thanks to this mistake, I had to rush to Walmart and buy some mineral spirits to clean not only the brushes, but my hand which was becoming sticker by the minute.

Right now, though not definitive, I might get new pine and re-cut these pieces and start over. The saving grace is that this walnut color on these pieces will not be seen when displayed as it will be up against the wall. However, I'd rather now do anything half-a**. I power sanded one of them down but I'm still not happy with it.

Today, I stained those parts that will be black and I'm much happier with how I applied the stain and how it came out. Some are done, some need one more coat. At the same time, the opposite side of most of these parts will need the walnut stain

Side Door Panels
Other Side Door Components with Finished Top/Bottom Pieces

Still much to do with this Opus, but it's moving along. At the same time, and not to get ahead of myself, I announce two upcoming projects. The next one will not get an opus for the basic reason as it's taking a few of the center pipes from this set and "decorating" them for friends and family. I will design each pipe unique to the person I will be giving it to. Yes, it's safe to assume that I will make one for myself. Yes, it's also safe to assume I will be using the very center and largest pipe of this set. The other three will be for my sister, my father and for my close friend, the same friend who received "Opus C." Since they are gifts, the design for the latter three will not be revealed until they are finished and presented to the respective person. However, I'll certainly document the process of mine here. For kicks, these pipes and all sorts of materials and other goodies comprise my patio closet.

The second upcoming project, which will be Opus V, uses the remaining four pipes from the set I used for Opus IV. They will be "stenciled," or painted different colors/patterns. I've been meaning to use Red Aromatic Cedar for some project and this one seems to fit the description. So, the case will be made out of this material and the pipes will reside in it. There will be a grill, also made from the same cedar boards. This Opus will not only be another aesthetic piece of art in my apartment, but it will make the place smell great. I always loved the smell of that wood! The below rendering only gives a slight glimpse of what it will look like. SolidWorks can only do so much with what I have in my head.

Opus V

I think that sums it up! I cannot guarantee a weekly update, but will certainly update this blog when I can. Until next time...