Monday, June 8, 2015

So...Just Where Are We At?

So much for weekly summaries...It's been a month since my last post. However, that finish line is getting closer and closer. So, just where are we at...? Oh, yes...grills and molding.

As seen above, I glued in place each grill. After the glue dried and turned the cabinet right side up, the grills don't completely meet at that 45º angle. This was expected and already have a solution to put a small piece of molding on the front to cover that gap. Next step is the molding which will be located in three places: The top will have crown molding, the bottom will have a decorative trim and then the sides will have a decorative strip to hide the screws and connect the top molding with the bottom.

As for the bottom molding, a notch needed to be cut out so as to but up flush with the side.  After cutting each piece, including the mating 45º angle, I slowly removed material to allow the proper fit.

That was simple enough. Then came the crown molding which is always the pain. I quickly learned that I did not have the proper tools to even cut the correct 45º angle. I had a table saw...I needed a chop saw. So, I utilized my resources and found one and made the appropriate cuts. Thankfully, I had just the correct amount of molding left to get the four pieces I needed.

I left each piece about 1.5 to 2.0 inches longer than necessary. This allowed me to make the correct length cut when fit against the cabinet.

Next step was to dry fit the crown molding against the cabinet on top of a "skin." Yes, that word I used a lot back during Opus I. Just a cap used to hide the screws and inside gap created by the crown molding. Think of it as the ceiling. After getting and cutting those skins to the correct size, I glued the molding in place, this creating a hat, of sorts. This will make it easier to stain as one piece.

Next, all pieces of molding need to be stained the walnut colour of the cabinet. This is where I am currently at. However, I've still made some great headway...

Another necessary task was to finish the back door. Only piece missing was a handle created from a 3/8in dowel. It became apparent when taking these cabinets back and forth from my parents house a few times that these doors tend to fly open when gravity gives it the opportunity, So, after thinking a bit, I came up with a crude, yet effective, solution.

At the end of the dowel, drill a whole and stick a smaller dowel through to create a lock. Genius, right! All I need to do now is paint the inside black and stain the outside.

Well...worth the month wait, right? Very happy and impressed on how it's looking. Yes, it's got its imperfection...but nothings perfect. If you put your mind and heart to something, throw some encouragement and wisdom of others, and there's nothing stopping you from accomplish your goal!

Until next time...

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