Sunday, March 31, 2013

I Can See the Finish Line!!

Today marks the end of a race of sorts. After 40 days and 40 night, today we celebrate Christ's Resurrection! With that said, Happy Easter!! As far as the finish line for Opus 1. Well...that, too, is on the horizon. I think I'll take this post to both update the status of Opus 1 as well as layout a game plan for the remaining project.

Since the Ruckpositiv was built, painting is the next step. For the primary color (red), I painted all the areas that will be seen. I also painted the inside "cubby holes" black to accentuate the pipes. Since the Ruckpositiv will be suspended, the bottom needed to be unified. So, I went ahead and created a skin for the bottom, painted it and then glued it to the base of the Ruckpositiv.

I even had some time to start looking into the pipe shades. From what I can tell, the same designs that I used for the Hauptwerk will be able to be used for the Ruckpositiv. I was able to cut out the bottom shade for the center pipes.

As far as the display for this mammoth project, a shelf will be made that will hold both the model as well as be used to mount the Ruckpositiv. I've alluded to this in the previous posts. The shelf will try to emulate a choir loft. The dimensions, will be 10in wide by 24in long. As far as the width, I'm not completely sure at the moment. Depends on the wood I can get. It will be anywhere from 1/2in to 1in thick. A 1.5in rectangular hole will be cut on the front center edge to allow the Ruckpositiv to be mounted. I will make use of the large molding around the shelf to give it that "lofty look."

This shelf, or loft, will be supported by two large corbels. These measure approximately 4.5 x 5.5 x 9.5 inches. Both will be stained, rather than painted. I will try, with any luck, to create a "faux marble" look with both the shelf and the corbels. The loft will be a combination of white, gray and a sort of ivory color. As far as the corbels, I really haven't decided. The marble columns supporting the loft at St. Bavo appear to be a deep green. I might lean toward something in that department.

As for an itinerary, I would say it would look something like this:

April 06 and & 07
  1. Fit and glue flat and pointed pipes of Ruckpositiv
  2. Finish pipe shades for at least the center pipes of the Ruckpositiv.
  3. Start to cut the small molding.
April 13 and 14
  1. Glue center pipe shades onto center pipe fixtures and then secure into the Ruckpositiv.
  2. Continue with molding detail. At the very least, have them all cut and painted. (large and small)
  3. Work on the remaining pipe shades
  4. Purchase all that is required for constructing and staining the loft.
 April 20 and 21
  1. Finish shades. Seal, prime and paint. Affix to Ruckpositiv.
  2. Glue molding to Ruckpositiv.
  3. Create, paint and glue skins where needed.
  4. Experiment with different staining techniques on a scrap piece of wood.
April 27 and 28
  1. Construct the shelf and glue molding around the edge of the shelf.
  2. Stain the shelf.
May 04 and 05
  1. Make any final touches that need to be done.
  2. Photo shoot.
  3. DONE!!!!
I planned this project to be complete by the beginning of May. I would say I'm doing very well as far as schedule. This project has been very self rewarding. I'll give my big list of thanks when I'm completely done with the project. However, I thank you, the reader, for taking the time to look at this blog. From the viewer who may stumble across this blog to the faithful who check back every now and again on my progress, I thank you both. It's been a fun ride!

BUT...there is still more to do, as I listed above. Until next time...

Victimae paschali laudes
Easter Sequence

Let Christians immolate praises to the passover victim.

The lamb has redeemed the sheep:
Innocent Christ has reconciled the sinners to the Father.

Death and life contended in a miraculous battle:
the Prince of life, who died, reigns alive.

Tell us, Mary, what did you see on the road?
"I saw the tomb of the living Christ and the glory of his rising,
The angelic witnesses, the clothes and the shroud."

"Christ my hope is arisen;
into Galilee, he will go before his own."

We know Christ is truly risen from the dead!
To us, victorious King, have mercy!

Amen! Alleluia!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

It's Raining! It's Pouring! This Model is Never Boring!

Yes, there was quite a bit of rain today which prevented me from completing all that I wanted to get done. At any rate, progress was made, albeit minimal. The general construction of the Ruckpositiv box is now complete. All the "flat" pipes have been painted.

I created the "V-shaped" pipe support and went ahead and glued them in place. They are now ready to be sealed, primed and painted.

At this point, the box can be painted. I'll need to start drawing up some pipe shades and cutting them out. As far as the molding, I have enough of the small molding to finish the model. Unfortunately, and just my luck, I do not have enough of the large molding. I'll send out for that sometime this week.

In regards to the shelf, I plan on purchasing those components next weekend. I do intend on staining the shelf along with the corbels that will be used to hold the shelf to the wall. At this rate, completion of Opus 1 is looking like the beginning of May, which is exactly how I planned it! Let's hope I can keep my own "deadline."

Until next time...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I'm Back!

I'm happy to say that my hands were back on Opus 1 this weekend. This consisted of gluing the pieces together. Since I managed to finally get a bigger piece of wood, I was able to create the back panel. I also started spray painting some of the pipes.

The following are a series of photos of the Ruckpositiv construction:

Here are a few of Opus 1 as it stands at this point.

With all that said, and all that has occurred since my last post, I think a little Bach would be appropriate right about now. In particular, Komm, Heiliger Geist, or Come, Holy Ghost.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit, and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that
by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations.
Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.