Sunday, June 30, 2013

Round Two...Check!

Yes, Opus 2 has been COMPLETED! I'm impressed with how I was able to complete this model in such a short amount of time. Granted, it's a "skill 1" compared to a "skill 5" model like Opus 1. Still, it had it's good moments and bad moments. I've learned a few more things while building the keyboard that I will make use of in Opus 3 and any models from here on out. Some pictures:

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Almost There...

Even though this weekend was a busy one outside the model world, I still managed to make some great progress. The pedal board was the main focus. That includes painting all the keys, it's base and assembling them. At the present, the pedalboard is assembled but there may need to be a few touch-ups that need to be done before calling it 100% complete.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

It is only fitting that Opus 2 is nearing the finish line around father's day as this model is a gift for my dad. Amongst a fairly busy weekend, I managed to get a few things done. First would be cutting, gluing and painting the skins for the two pedal towers. Currently, it only has one coat and will need to be lightly sanded and given one or two more coats. Afterward, the pipes can finally be glued in and both towers will be 100% complete.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

It's Natural to have Accidents...

Now I don't mean spilling your drink, breaking a vase or wetting your bed.......but to the keyboard manuals which I worked on this weekend. First things first...

Micheal's STILL did not have any 1/16in square rods that I use for the keys and accidentals. So, I thought...what would MacGyver do? I have some 1/16 think stock. With that, I set my guard up on the table saw to, your guessed it, 1/16 of and inch and started ripping! I made more than enough for this model and for Opus 3 (which I cannot wait to unveil!) However, the problem surfaced when it came to size.

I normally cut the pieces to size with a wire snipper while the desired length it pressed up against a square. However, the snipper puts a dent in the rod. I mean, it works and give these consoles some "character." However, how can I do away with that? Well, to not beat a dead horse, it required a sharp knife, patience and about twice the time. The ends were better, however, the lengths were never quite the same. (Hence twice the time) Still, it got done and I'm pleased with how it came out. I still need to touch them up.

I was very happy when the post arrived on Saturday as the molding was finally delivered! With this, I was able to knock out the molding for the pedal towers. All I need now is some more material to make the top skins. (...and paint them, of course...)

Overall, happy with how things are coming. Opus 2 is nearing completion. However, as the next few weeks are fairly busy for me, I won't be able to devote the entire weekend to the model. However, I'm thinking by mid July, it will be finished!

Until next time...

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Rock On!

Opus 2 continues moving at a quick pace. This weekend was devoted to painting and assembling the model. A new addition was a base for the console, which will also have the pedal board and the bench attached to it.

The molding should arrive within the next week or so. After the molding is attached, both pedal boxes will be finished. The pedal board still needs to be made and I need some more 1/16in square rods for the accidentals!!

Until next time...