Monday, August 6, 2012

Redefining the Inspiration

As I stated, the inspiration for this model was the console my friend gave me. However, I have now decided to go a slightly different direction. The gift is still the initial spark and inspiration. However, I decided to design a more historically accurate key desk for this organ. A key desk is just a term for the desk-like case in which the keyboards and the stop-knobs are contained. The idea for the design, once again, came from the organ at St. Bavo...even down to the seat.

The extended horizontal is there for structural support when placed into the final assembly.
So, good bye to the already made console and hello to the new one! This only adds to this project, the fact that all of it has been designed and built by me. The stops (32 on each side) are 1/16 of an inch. Some will jet out 1/8" for the "canceled" position. Other will extend out 1/4" for the "activated" stops. I'd like to make the stops a little more aesthetic instead of just a flat dowel. Maybe I'll round out the side that you see. I'm not exactly sure yet.

There is now a 3-1/8" wall about the key desk. I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to decorate it. I'd like to find an ornate scaled frieze or something decorative to place there. The following sectional view shows how everything is organized.

The actual construction of this entire part of the organ will be last. So, I don't have to worry about it now. First are the pedal divisions. I will be getting the pedal pipes turned down tomorrow. Until then...

Updated Final Isometric View

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