Sunday, January 20, 2013

You Got to Admit, It's Getting Better...'s getting better all the time! Indeed, things are certainly moving along very nice and much progress to the completion of the Oberwerk was accomplished this weekend. First things first, molding consumed most of my time. This includes cutting, painting and gluing. Let me start with my progress with the Hauptwerk before delving into the work accomplished on the Oberwerk.

Both section 2a and 2b are now finished. They are painted and the pipes glued in place. Concerning molding and pipe shades, I have some ideas. However, I won't decide anything until they are glued in place.

Hauptwerk Section 2A and 2B

The molding was also cut for Sections 1A, 1B and 3, that is to say, the two side sections and the center section. You may need to turn your head 180º for this picture.

Molding for Hauptwerk Section 3

Current Status of the Hauptwerk Division

Now onto the Oberwerk (OB). I wish I could say that it is 100% finished. Alas, I cannot. However, I can say it's 98% finished. After I placed all the pipe shades on last weekend, the next step was the top molding for the two pointed sections of the OB. To be honest, I didn't have much problems with the cutting and gluing.

The two top molding features of the Oberwerk

Once they were glued in place, it was time to make two skins to cover all the mess on top of the OB. These skins are very helpful in covering up the gluing mistakes (and even some cutting mistakes) and solidifies it as one piece.

To completely finish the OB, I need to glue the bottom molding which would connect the console area with the OB box. All the pieces are cut and painted and are ready o be glued in place. The top molding of the OB (similar to section 3 of the Hauptwerk) needs to be glued on. If you go back a few posts, I went ahead and glued most of this molding together and waited until now to glue it on. Bad idea. I ended up creating new pieces and salvaging the two ends of the already made pieces. As it stands now, I need to do some final painting and then can glue them all in place.

Sorry - this one came out a bit blurry

I haven't ended a post with an organ video in a while. As I sat thinking about which one, my eyes came upon a statue I have of St. Peter. So, in honor of St. Peter, the first pope, the rock...I end with a video of a young Dame Gillan Weir playing Henri Mulet's Toccata on tu es Petra. I had the honor of being a part of a Master Class with Dame Weir back in 2008 as a student at the University of Florida. (click for picture) Enjoy!

"You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it.
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be
bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
- Matthew 16:18-19 RSV -

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