Sunday, April 14, 2013


Certainly, I am determined as Opus 1 comes to a close. Let's go to the calendar to see how this weekend compares to it's set goals:
  1. Purchase all that is required for constructing and staining the loft.
  2. Glue the remaining pipe shades in place
  3. Cut all molding, large and small.
  4. Paint and affix all molding. (time permitting)
I can say that I have met my expectations and have completed all four tasks at hand, including the time permitting number four. Let me start from the top!

All the materials for the shelf/loft have been purchased. This consists of the two corbels, the shelf itself and the stains that I will use to decorate the loft.

One of two corbels that the shelf will be mounted to.

1.00 x 12.00 x 48.00 pine board to be used as the shelf.

Of course, the shelf will need to be cut to size as well as the slot for the Ruckpositiv will need to be created. I didn't bother taking a picture of the stains. I will write more about that in the coming weeks. Like many aspects of this project, using the stains to make this shelf similar to a choir loft will be a challenge in and of itself!

I will combine numbers 2, 3, and 4 all into one. Yes, the remaining pipe shades were glued onto the Ruckpositiv. As this was done, I started to cut the large molding followed by the small molding. I forgot how much I hate molding but the feeling came back very quick. The smaller molding, which there is much more of on this division as compared to the large molding, was particularly painful to be it kindly.

Top right molding

Bottom molding

First, I was able to make use of some of the scrap pieces from previous sessions within this model. By the time I was done, I just had enough to complete all the small molding. Everything in between was the usual nightmare that comes with this feature of the model. It adds a nice touch. However, it is a serious pain creating every piece!

By the end of the day, I managed to paint all the molding, including the large molding (not shown). As far as affixing them to the Ruckpositiv, I'm about 80% done. I ran into some snags with the bottom molding. Plus, once everything's on, I will certainly need to putty some areas, sand and touch-up the paint.

I thought I would have the entire division done today. Still, I'm happy with the overall progress made. As for next weekend, I propose the following goals:
  1. Finish all molding detail.
  2. Create, paint and glue skins where needed.
  3. Experiment with different staining techniques on a scrap piece of wood.
  4. Cut shelf to size.
I think the above four goals are do-able for next weekend. We're in the final stretch. The pain of anticipation has crept in but the finish line is in sight.

Until next time...

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