Sunday, April 21, 2013

Getting Closer...

First thing's first...let's see how well I've stuck to this weekend's goals:

  1. Finish all molding detail.
  2. Create, paint and glue skins where needed.
  3. Experiment with different staining techniques on a scrap piece of wood.
  4. Cut shelf to size.
The result if a BIG FAT F! That is to say I've done 50% of the above, the first two to be specific. Still, don't need to panic just yet.

I did run into some more snags when I was piecing together the large molding. Needed to create another small filler piece or that "key stone" piece was not going to fit. Plus, I also made the necessary shortening to one of the small molding pieces that fit around the right "pointed pipe" section. With this, all the molding was painted and glued to the model. Next came the touch up process, which has not been finished.

After putting some home made putty in a few of the cracks, I sanded the molding, trying my best to make it look like a unified whole. I've said it before and I'll say it again...the molding is a pain...but a necessary pain. I've certainly impressed myself with my "molding skills." However, it's not perfect. I guess all the imperfections and learning curves with this model will add to its character.

Once the molding was in place, I went ahead and traced the patterns for the skins. There were four to be made. The top left, the top right, the very top and the back skin. I wouldn't normally need a back skin. However, with the Ruckpositiv's unique position in this model, it needed the magic of a skin.

Molding all attached, sanded and ready to be touched up. Very top skin being glued.

Back Skin Cutout

At the present, all three top skins have been glued on. The back skin has been painted, but is not affixed to the model yet. A few more coats of touch-up paint still need to be applied to all the molding as well the skins. After all this is done, I will be able to call Opus 1 complete! The only thing left would be the shelf.

So, this will be the proposed goals for next week:

  1. Finish Ruckpositiv (glue skin, touch up paint, etc...)
  2. Cut shelf to size
  3. Cut choir loft molding to size
  4. Experiment and different color stains for choir loft molding and corbels.
  5. Stain shelf
Good things are on the horizon. Until next time...

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