Sunday, April 7, 2013

Ludicrous Speed

According to my itinerary, today should have been as follows:
  1. Fit and glue flat and pointed pipes of Ruckpositiv
  2. Finish pipe shades for at least the center pipes of the Ruckpositiv.
  3. Start to cut the small molding.
Well, I completed number one. As for number two, not only did I finish the pipe shades for the Ruckpositiv center, but I've finished ALL the pipe shades!!! As for number, not today. Either way, the Ruckpositiv is really coming together and Opus 1 is that much closer to completion.

I first situated all the flat pipes into their respect holes. After dry fitting them in, I went ahead and glued them in place. Afterwards, I was able to glue the "pointed pipes" in place. Thanks to the triangular brace that I glued at the bottom, these pipes were able to hold their shape.

As always, I was multitasking. After creating a pipe shade template for the flat pipes, I started to cut them out. Also, at the same time, I put the final touches of paint on the center shades.

Things then started to come together. Once all the other pipes were in place, the center pipes were glued into place. After drying, both grills were clamped and glued around the pipe guide. While this was going on, the pipe shades for the flat pipes were getting sealed, primed and painted. Afterward, you guessed it, they were glued into place. By the end of the day, I was able to finish the painting process for the other pipe shades, those associated with the pointed pipes. However, I did not have time to glue them in place.

Indeed, many items have been accomplished today. Instead of creating a new itinerary, I shall list next weekends goals:
  1. Purchase all that is required for constructing and staining the loft.
  2. Glue the remaining pipe shades in place
  3. Cut all molding, large and small.
  4. Paint and affix all molding. (time permitting)

I'd like to turn our attention to the shelf / loft and shed a little more light on what I'm thinking for the last stage of Opus 1. Like I've stated in the last post, I was going to wrap the large molding around the shelf to make it look like a choir loft. I ordered another 8ft of this molding and when I opened the box, a gift (of sorts) was inside. Attached to the molding I ordered was a larger, a little more elaborate and sealed molding. It's 1.5in tall and 3/4in at its widest. This will make a perfect ledge for the choir loft. (O felix culpa!)

Surprise Molding
Projected "Loft"

The subject of this post sums up the progress made this weekend...Ludicrous Speed. The term comes from the Mel Brooks film Space Balls. I'll let the clip do the explaining. Until next time...

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