Sunday, November 4, 2012

Good News Everyone!

I cannot believe how things are just moving along! Since the Oberwerk box was all glued together, I went ahead and sanded the entire box down so everything was smooth and flush with each other. The next step was to start painting the inside chambers black.

While painting, I set my eyes on the key desk. Thinking about how I'm going to make the manuals, I decided not to simply paint a solid piece of wood while and call that a keyboard. Instead, I cut about 26 1/16in square pieces of wood to size for each manual and glued them together.

This adds a better effect for displaying the individual keys. All I need to do now is paint and cut more strips for the accidental keys. I went ahead and made most of the parts for the key desk assembly. That includes the stop jams, the sides and other parts. I also went ahead and painted all the stops which i turned on the lathe weeks ago.

Notice the stop placed in the stop jam.
Still need to do some more painting, add the accidental keys and glue in the stops

The pedal board was also put together. It's not much, but will do the job.

As promised last week, I not only cut all the small molding for the pedal boxes, I have glued them on to their respected boxes! All i need to do now is add some putty here and there, sand and paint it. Afterwards, I can say that the pedal division is 100% complete! Right not....about 98%.

During the week, I started to design the top grill word for the center pipes of the Oberwerk division. Still not completely done and there is a lot of various grills that will be placed throughout this division that still need to be designed and then cut out.

So there it is. Good News indeed! Moving right along and a very good pace.

Prof. Hubert James Farnsworth from the TV show Futurama. His catchphrase, "Good News Everyone!"

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