Sunday, September 30, 2012

Viewed in Technicolor

Today, the pedal boxes start to shed some color. Still, it was a tough move forward. I knew that I would not match the color of the Muller organ at St. Bavo completely. Still, I wanted some sort of red. I got two different reds from Sherwin-Williams. However, when you opened up the lids, they pretty much looked the same.

After a few coats on a test piece. I decided on one of the two colors. It's name: "Red Bay." Still, I was wondering how to apply it. On the test pice, i just painted the wood. I then tried a test piece that was primed with black spray paint. In the end - and it took some convincing - I decided to just start painting the boxes that Red Bay color. First, I had to paint the inside black. This is the area behind the pipes. The black will allow the silver pipes to really shine.


I then started with the red. As I applied more and more coats. It grew on me even more and am pleased with how it has come out.

I still need to do some touch up here and there. After that, I'll be ready to glue the pipes in place then add the painted grills. After that, I will glue the molding. It still needs to be cut. I will do this next weekend. I will paint the molding first before gluing it to the boxes.

The pipes are held against a guide by a rubber band to hold it's shape.
Patience is a virtue. I'm happy that this is nearing completion. I already have the cut list ready for the Oberwerk division. I hope to do that either during the week or certainly next weekend.

I'd like to thank all those who take the time to look at my progress. I invite you to comment on any one of my posts. I haven't figured out how to add a comment box to the blog. I'm sure it's possible.

Until next time...

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